Friday, January 17, 2014

Why I Take OER Courses

I. Branch, a student who is currently taking an OER class at TCC's Gig Harbor Campus. Branch writes,
TCC's OER Project has made a significant change in my college experience and ultimately the way that I can live my life. The savings of just two years with OER courses gives me almost $2000 extra - which is a lot for a broke college girl like myself. I've found that teachers who use OER are more involved and engaged with me as a student. Knowing what OER classes are like (amazing), I now look to only take instructors involved in OER because...what I take away from the quarter is so much more. Although OER was designed to save students money, I truly believe it does a lot more than that.
Welcome to The Liberated! We hope OER classes and teachers continue to inspire you.
For more information about the TCC OER Project, see our website at

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